Best of coldattic.info
Welcome to this Blog! I’ve written a lot over more than ten years. As a new reader, you might get lost, so here is a selection of the most popular content for you.
According to the Google Analytics, my most popular pages over the last year were:
I’m now Stanford-Certified with a Non-Degree Certificate that describes my experience as a pretend Grad student at Stanford, talks about the AI certification program and about the projects I’ve completed as part of it. Many people come to that page for more information about the program and I hope it inspires and motivates them as well as set expectations for it.
Easy parallelization with Bash in Linux with my favorite
seq 10 | xargs --num-procs 5
Bash trick. -
Limiting time and memory consumption of a program in Linux, my most successful open-source project that emulated cgroups before they were stable.
Traffic II: Why does the Fast Lane become Slowest in Traffic? - somehow, my musings on traffic modeling got popular on the internet. You can not only learn why you should merge into a slow lane, but also about the effects of friction, how to navigate the 101-92 interchange in the Bay Area, and why other lanes always move faster.
Consistency Models Explained Briefly, where I filled the gaps in Google search and detailed what Quiescent Consistency means. This page is linked from some of the lecture slides in advanced CS courses; a lot of students visit it, and I’m truly honored.
Take Apart that Giant Case: A Compact, 1.5kg Thunderbolt3 eGPU Setup detailing my experience with tearing down and rebuilding an eGPU case.
SF Muni LED Sign at Home with Raspberry Pi, my most famous project that featured on Reddit and at a bunch of makers’s websites.
How to Get Binary Search Right with basically job interview advice. But I cheated here a bit. See, when I joined Google Ads, I got the ability to use one dollar a day on Google Ads traffic.
Here’s the demonstration of what $1/day spent on Google Ads can do for your content.
Without the ad spend, the post is getting almost no clicks. I still think it’s a good post but alas.
What is the Gradient of Broadcasting, a classic case of “I couldn’t find that on Google, so I had to write it myself”. That was a part of my homework at Stanford.
Notable mentions from the previous years include,
- I de-lid Core i7 9700k and I have no idea if it was worth it, an instruction how to de-lid a modern CPU and to this day, wonder if that was a waste of time.
- How to Use Open3 and Avoid Dead Locks thread-safety is one of my passions, so there is a lot of that in my blog.
Underrated page of the day:
- Parallel Merge Sort a breakdown of a (now old) algorithm that effectively scales Merge Sort to many GPU cores.
And a lot of other things. I really like my attemtps at short witty stories like Zeno’s Flat Screen TV Paradox, or “Lesson III”, or “A dying Tux in an Airbus”, which sometimes get featured on Reddit. But nobody reads those. Most people who google are looking for answers, and they’re finding them on the “how-to” pages like the “AWS Beanstalk Speed Run”.
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